by Dave Mroz | Oct 29, 2013 | Windows 8
“GA” Stands for “General Availability” and refers to the version that is commonly available to the masses. You will probably just hear this version simply called “Windows...
by Dave Mroz | Oct 29, 2013 | Windows 8
I just found out the hard way that there are major issues upgrading from Windows 8.1 RTM to Windows 8.1 GA. (What is “GA”?) I figured that downloading the 8.1GA and installing it would update everything that needed to be updated, but alas, that was a...
by Dave Mroz | Sep 10, 2013 | Windows 8
After upgrading to Windows 8.1, you may experience failures trying to install updates via Windows Update or any third-party application installer/updater. This happened on my Surface Pro after upgrading from Windows 8.1 Pro Preview to the RTM version and I...
by Dave Mroz | Aug 1, 2013 | Windows Phone
All of the sudden yesterday my phone started giving the 80C805E2 error and indicating that it couldn’t synchronize my to the Exchange server. Outlook on my Surface and my Windows 7 PC in the office were synchronizing properly and I could seem my...
by Dave Mroz | Mar 26, 2013 | Security
The other day I grabbed my keys for work and noticed my USB drive was missing from the keychain. Apparently I was no longer traveling with my SanDisk DataTraveler drive and I had no idea where I had lost it. Worse, I had no idea who had found it. A moment of panic...