My Browser Needs a Therapist

I knew my browser tended to be a little broody and emotional, but I had no idea it was so insecure! This message totally cracked me up and made my morning.  From in·se·cure subject to fears, doubts, etc.; not self-confident or assured: an insecure...

ATM Misery

ATM: Automated Teller Machine.  By the name, you’d think you can do everything at the ATM that you can do talking to a live teller inside of the bank, but you’re wrong – they’re still quite limited in their abilities even though they’re getting more and more advanced...

DIY: Pop-up canopy weights

This weekend I decided to create a weight for each corner of my 10′x10′ pop-up canopy.  I needed something which could be easily connected and disconnected.  Storage is an issue for me, so I tried to create something fairly compact and easy to transport, but that also...

My battle with TomTom customer service may be resolved

Many of my friends on Facebook will know about my battle with TomTom and their lack of customer service.  Well, I’m happy to report that I think that’s finally resolved! For those of you who don’t know what happened, here’s the short version:  One day I fired up the...

Tablets aren’t the ‘third device’ I’d hoped for

I’ve always been intrigued by the iPad and other slate/tablet devices out there.  I’ve often considered buying one, but I can never figure out for what I would use them and how they would help me in my everyday life, so I’ve never been able to justify a $700+ price...