Installing HP LaserJet 1012 on Windows 8

Installing on Windows 10? Head here: Installing the HP LaserJet 1012 on Windows 10 I have an old HP LaserJet 1012 that is a real workhorse and I wanted to see if I could get it installed on Windows 8.1 Pro. The HP forums say it’s not possible, but it’s...

What is Windows 8.1 “GA”?

“GA” Stands for “General Availability” and refers to the version that is commonly available to the masses.  You will probably just hear this version simply called “Windows...

I Bricked My Surface Pro

I just found out the hard way that there are major issues upgrading from Windows 8.1 RTM to Windows 8.1 GA.  (What is “GA”?)  I figured that downloading the 8.1GA and installing it would update everything that needed to be updated, but alas, that was a...